Ongoing projects

The climate circles is one of the flagship projects of Green-Up Gambia, funded by the United States Forest Services (USFS) aimed at fostering responsible environmental stewardship amongst schools and communities across the seven (7) regions of the Gambia. The project was launched on March 12th 2023 with M. Ebrima A. Cham as its Manager.
The project comprised of three phase implementation; stakeholder engagement which involves engaging critical actors of the central government such as Ministry of Environment, Department of Forestry, Gambia Ports Authority, Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education just to name a few as a collaborative approach towards playing a part in protecting our natural resources from degradation, theft and smuggling. The second phase include tree nursery and green clubs establishment in identified schools couple with community engagement of women and youths using a mobile cinema van. This was aimed at reaching a broader audience, inspire frontline action and propagate environmental consciousness among peoples in local communities. Ultimately, phase three constitute climate change education among selected students and their teacher coordinators in the beneficiary schools to enlighten and educate them about critical issues of climate change triggering frequent risks and disasters on the lives and livelihoods of our people. This was equally meant to inspire to inspire action and motivate the kids to serve as ambassadors in their own communities by advocating for more consciousness about environmental protection and natural resource management.
With Ebrima’s leadership and his dedicated team, the climate circles was able to register enormous success across the country, supporting communities to adapt to the changing climate through advocacy, sensitization and raising awareness on smart agricultural practices such as agroforestry, inspiring youth association to champion environmental initiatives geared towards preserving natural resources around them and most importantly, touching base with fourteen (14) schools where kids are exposed to hands-on learning experience by establishing 1000 tree nurseries in each school with green clubs whose primary roles are to drive environmental action with their peers both within and outside of the school.
· Fourteen (14) schools reached some of which are in the farthest and remotest part of rural Gambia;
· Seven hundred (700) students reached with fifty (50) from each school who served as initial members of the Green Clubs;
· Three hundred and fifty (350) community women engaged on climate change sensitization, awareness raising and advocacy on smart agricultural techniques in seven (7) different communities.
· One hundred and seventy five (175) youths engaged on responsible environmental stewardship and encouraged to foster community action.
· Fourteen (14) tree nurseries established with one thousand 1000 seeds sown and nurtured in each nursery totaling fourteen thousand (14000) all together.
· Seventy percent (70%) of the trees were fruit and thirty percent (30) were indigenous to ensure food security is achieved and forest ecosystems restored through planting of indigenous species.